Commissioned Works


Woods I've Used
Commissioned Works
Some of Walt's Bowls
Articles & Press


COMMISSIONED WORK:  Instances where you might be interested in something like this are:

  • A tree has to be removed that's been a family 'member' for many years.  Perhaps you had a play house in it or a swing, or you just want to remember one that was a part of your home. 

  • An old family home has to be taken down due to decay, and there are several large wood beams in it that could be turned. 

  • You'd like a particular size, color and shape bowl to complement your interior design and decoration.

If you've something like these in mind, please contact me by email ( or telephone (703-864-2767).  If you'd like something like the first instance, please contact me at the earliest possible time to ensure safe and effective salvage of the wood.  Once cut, green wood must be coated immediately with a sealant to keep cut ends from splitting and checking.  The necessity of using glue to stabilize cracks in wood usually leaves visible marks that may detract from the resulting turned piece.